Secrets From The Cradle To MIT

Secrets From The Cradle To College Admission At

M.I.T. And The Ivy League

Book Description

This book provides a guide for parents and students to collaborate in preparing for academic excellence. In the 21st Century our youth need more than ever to optimize their potential, strive for excellence and lead an ethical, balanced life. The book’s theme is preparation for life and the focus is on gaining admission to highly selective colleges like MIT. Presented is a long- term strategic plan for victory in the competitive game of selective college admission. Most importantly, it is written from a parent’s perspective and written with details of steps to take from preschool through high school. Part One addresses the need for a value system, the importance of goals, and the development of good study habits. Part Two focuses on improving academic skills, and gaining competence in sports and extracurricular activities. Interwoven in the book are the author’s son experiences and how they led to his acceptance at MIT and 12 other universities. Part Three discusses key strategies for the college application process in profuse detail. The author was formally chairperson for the Board of Trustees of the American International School in Riyadh. The book is hoped to aid society in preparing our youth for the new millennium

Concept Statement

All children born have a unique potential to achieve excellence in life. Many do not reach this potential because they have not gotten the guidance from their parents on laying the foundation for success in their lives.   The book provides a guide for parents to assist their children in preparing for super excellence with balance in life. The essential ingredients are presented in a clear step-by-step manner for any parent or any student to grasp and follow.

Competition has reached peak intensity for admission into selective colleges. Baby boomer parents are anxious to get their children ahead in life.

This book provides a long- term strategic plan for victory in the game of selective college admission. Most importantly, It is written from a parent’s perspective and written with details of steps to take from preschool through high school.

Critical-issue lists have been deployed throughout the book to promote practical usage. Examples of key ideas that proved successful for selective college preparation are explained in profuse detail.

The book is hoped to aid society in preparing our youth for the 21st century to be productive, happy citizens.

Preparing future generations for the 21st Century

The book is hoped to aid society in preparing our youth for the 21st century to be productive, happy citizens.

In the 21st century our youth need more than  ever to optimize their potential, strive for excellence and lead an ethical, balanced life.

The book’s theme is preparation for life and the focus is on  gaining admission to highly selective colleges like MIT. Presented is a long- term strategic plan for victory in the competitive game of selective college admission. Most importantly, it is written from a parent’s perspective and written with details of steps to take from preschool through high school.

Part One addresses the need for a value system, the importance of goals, and the development of good study habits.

Part Two focuses on improving academic skills, and gaining competence in sports and extracurricular activities. Interwoven in the book are the author’s son experiences and how they led to his acceptance at MIT and 12 other universities. Part Three discusses key strategies for the college application process in profuse detail and covers the principals of admissions, recommendations, the essay, interviews, financial aid and managing wait 1ists. Getting the thick envelope of admission to a selective college is the major goal of the book and preparing for life is the theme.

The author was formally chairperson for the Board of Trustees of the American International School in Riyadh. The book is hoped to aid society in preparing our youth for the new millennium.

Secrets From The Cradle To College Admission At M.I.T. And The Ivy League  is a book of 50,000 words. It is a how-to-book for assisting students and parents from early childhood to prepare for highly selective colleges, such as MIT and Ivy League schools.

A Parenting Guide

This book provides a guide for parents and students to collaborate in preparing for academic excellence. In the late 1990’s, parents and students are at wits end in an attempt to gain acceptance in top colleges and universities. Top schools are seen more and more as the ticket to a successful career. This book fills the void of ideas, from a family perspective, concerning a long-term strategy to gain successful entry to selective schools. It discusses actual strategies implemented by my African-Asian-American son, Mark, who is presently attending MIT and who received acceptance letters from 13 highly selective colleges.

The objective of this book is to inspire our youth to shoot for the stars and establish high aims and goals in life. It is my view that education is the key to our future as a nation. I suggest MIT because it is the premier science and technology institution in the world. If students aim for highly selective colleges like MIT they will position themselves for academic excellence in life. Even if they fail to reach MIT they will probably achieve excellence, through the preparation outlined, in other highly selective colleges. Most importantly, they will prepare themselves successfully for life in the 21st century.

A college Admission guide

Secrets From The Cradle To College Admission At

M.I.T. And The Ivy League comes at a time when the competition for admission to the nation’s most selective colleges is greater than ever. Each year, over 1.1 million students take the SAT exam and 1.6 million take the ACT test. Many of these applicants desire highly selective colleges. This book outlines step-by-step what parents and children should be doing very early, in elementary and junior high school, to prepare for academic success.

Strategies for excellence focus on academic, personal character, extracurricular and athletic areas. Students and parents who are interested in preparing for any colleges can benefit from the ideas and strategies outlined. Selected chapters address: parent-child interactions, early schooling, goal-setting, test-taking, summer programs, academic excellence, ethics, sports, multicultural issues, and the application process.

Most books of the genre are written to address strategies to follow, only while in high school, and from an admission’s officer or college counseling perspective. This book is uniquely written from the student and parent viewpoints. These ideas are particularly critical for African American students.

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