The Singularity Prize is a Novel to Advance the Discussion on Artificial Intelligence

JULIAN MARSHALL, a computer scientist, had an epiphany while growing up in Lake City, South Carolina. One word crystallized Julian’s ultimate goal: superintelligence. He thought, “Inevitably, a self-improving machine intelligence was coming to the world, and it was crucial for it to be guided by humans to a safe harbor.” Later his MIT Ph.D. qualified him to do this. He eventually joined the UC Berkeley Computer Science Department and became a full professor.  Julian formed a team to be the first to program a supercomputer that was superior to human intelligence when the announcement of the Singularity Prize was made. The novel follows the character arc of JULIAN.

Julian viewed the world in 2030 as teeming with problems that threaten human survival.  The specter of adverse climate change, resource depletion, energy deficits, poverty, epidemic disease, political and religious strife, warfare, and famine hang over humanity like the sword of Damocles.  Parallel to this reality, accelerating technological change and the educational awakening presented a positive trend in global development and human affairs.

ELLISON MCCLINTOCK, a billionaire hedge fund manager, announced the thirty-billion-dollar Singularity Prize in New York. The Singularity represented the intelligence explosion that could forever change humanity and usher in a new era.  The risk of an unfriendly intelligence was an existential threat. The stringent rules on safety resulted in only two teams qualifying to pursue the prize, Julian’s team at Berkeley and a team in Beijing led by a Chinese lady, XEUJING WANG. The Singularity Prize rules required each competing team to program a recursively self-improving machine intelligence with embedded ethical codes to ensure a safe Singularity. Julian had an affair with a neuroscience grad student on campus who betrayed him by stealing classified AI programming code and getting it transmitted to Karastan, a small central Asian country. His wife threatened divorce. One of the Chinese programmers on the Berkeley team defected to the Beijing team with key blocks of code that were stolen from the Americans. An argument erupted within the Berkeley-Stanford-Cape Town consortium over the need to reverse engineer the human brain to ensure safety.

In Karastan, a third group competed for reaching the Singularity covertly to further the global power of their government. After stealing codes from abroad, their team of hackers was deployed to provoke cyber warfare and nuclear terrorism against western countries. Cyber warfare erupted when these covert operatives attacked and crippled the electric power grid in several countries including the USA. Near economic collapse and chaos ensued, provoking global panic and mass civil unrest.  The Soldiers of the Cause, a non-state terrorist group, acquired a suitcase nuke with its codes and threatened London with a nuclear explosion. The US and western leaders along with the UN requested help from the two teams pursuing the Singularity Prize to divert their energies to the cyber warfare crisis. The race was on to reach the Singularity, now needed to save civilization from these reprehensible forces of destruction.

The long arm of the deep past extends to 2030 to ideas of intelligence and survival. Seventy-four thousand years ago, the Great Toba volcanic eruption in the Pacific created a survival bottleneck. Early humans on the East African plains dropped to only 1000 breeding pairs as a result of a long, freezing, volcanic winter where photosynthesis was shut down by ash clouds in the upper atmosphere. This collapsed the food chain. ARION boldly led one small clan of humans that were threatened with extinction during the Toba Event out of Africa to populate the world. Both in 2030 and in ancient times, improving intelligence was the key to any hope of survival. A world of chaos and conflict or one with unlimited promise hung in the balance. Which team will win The Singularity Prize ushering in a new era of a more intelligent, ethical, and wise human-super AI partnership?

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Author’s Welcome

Welcome to this Website

Herein you will find information on four excellent books for families and intellectuals alike.  The books are The Singularity Prize ( a novel about artificial intelligence), A Lady of Grace, Genius, and Grit, (memoir of my centenarian mother), Antarctic Collapse (a novel about climate change), and Secrets to a Richer Life (illuminating interviews with citizens from five continents). Click on book excerpts above for first chapters,  click on books above for editorial reviews, and click on book information above for more details about the books.


My Philosophy of Writing

This site is a focus on my keen interest in writing as an art form.  How did I become interested in this form of creative expression?  Like a canvas to a painter, a blank page is a canvas for the writing artist to present his or her unique view of the world to the reader.  Reading extensively in the magnificent literature of the world is the pathway which led me to the idea of writing.  The impact that ideas from reading have had on me has been profound. Furthermore, the books that I read have enriched the quality of my life immeasurably. I began writing when I realized that language can be an instrument as well as a product of thought. During my studies and research in the fields of biology, dentistry, and public health I realized that communication through writing could be a method to reach a wide geographic audience as well as reach an audience in the distant future.  The time barrier is breached through writing. These concepts intrigued me to the extent that I developed the motivation to get involved directly in communication through writing. Reading and writing, moreover, have added greater fun and greater understanding of life.

I do not presume to have much to say, but the exercise of writing becomes a method of self-clarification.  I firmly believe that we are born to create and writing offers an enormous venue for creative pursuits.  This creative drive is one of the distinguishing features of humanity. The infinite character of our imagination offers fertile ground for putting together a string of words that can inform, entertain, educate, motivate, and hopefully inspire.

Writing has muscular power; however, it is a skill which requires one to train those muscles on a consistent basis. Without this consistent effort, the muscle fibers of writing will not have the ability to lift heavy idea loads or create seminal emotional moments in the minds of the reader.

I have thus far published four books:  two nonfiction books, and two novels, and one book based on scientific research.  I am working from a small obscure quarter. It may be presumptuous to write these books, however, the effort is sincere.  My endeavor to write is a work in progress.

I would like to thank my family for their support and encouragement of my labors.  Welcome and please kick-back and enjoy the few words and pictures I now have on offer.


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Antarctic Collapse

Antarctic Collapse

A Thriller Novel that Alerts Us and
Calls for Action
Is Climate Change Real?

In early 2027 the nightmare scenario of the imminent collapse of the polar ice caps is upon us. The world is at risk of economic, social, and political anarchy if the ice sheets melt. Can the world be saved from catastrophic
flooding and untold numbers of climate refugees?

Continue reading

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A Book of Chronicles from the Human Family

Secrets to a Richer Life

Illuminating Wisdom from the Human Family on the 37 Ultimate Questions

Secrets to a Richer Life presents the breathtaking insights of a diverse group of   world citizens from five continents.Interviews in The Secrets to a Richer Life reveal our core similarities as well as our superficial differences, substantiating that Homo sapiens belong to one family.   Continue reading

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Secrets from the Cradle Translated into Chinese

Secrets from the Cradle to College Admission at MIT and the Ivy League is Translated into Chinese

This book originally published in 2000 was recently translated and published in Mandarin Chinese by the Writers   Publishing House, copyright 2005. The title was shortened to From the Cradle to MIT .  The Chinese readers are keen on getting all the information necessary to further their educational opportunities.   Continue reading

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Press review of Secrets to a Richer Life

Florence native writes book on success, happiness

Florence Morning News
Sunday, June 5, 2005

FLORENCE – There are so many people who would probably like to know what it would take to have a more fulfilled life financially, spiritually and otherwise. Continue reading

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Announcing My New Blog

In order to express important points of view on the issues of education, environmental stewardship, poverty,  future technology, accelerating change, and  health through the pursuit of longevity I am joining the blogging community. Every voice counts.  I will furthermore explore and discuss issues strengthing the unity of the human family. These are key issues that I explored in my first three books. For details on these books explore this website and click on the sidebar icons to purchase either the Kindle or the paperback format. The link to this blog is: or at the drop down menu.  Happy reading.

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